Step 1: First, you will have to go to the settings option in your device.
Step 2: Scroll down until you see these options: Mail, contacts, calendar. Click on these options.
Step 3: Below the icloud tag, choose the add account option.
Step 4: Then choose ‘add mail account’ and tap enter. After setting your account click on the next button.
Step 5:You will have to set your incoming mail server POP3.
Username and password should be your compuserve account information.
Step 6: Now it’s time to set outgoing mail server smtp.
Username and password must be as said in step 5. After entering all the information as given above click on the save option.
Step 7: Now again go to settings, click on your compuserve account and click on the advanced and enter the details in the incoming settings.
Use the SSL mark ‘yes’.
Authentication is your password.
Server port is ‘110’.
Step 8: In your outgoing settings:
SSL and authentication must be the same as in step 7.
Server port is ‘25’.
Step 9: Hurray! You did it. Now you have easily ‘compuserve sign in’ successfully on your iPhone device.
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