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EA has announced its EA Play member freebies for January 2022. They include bonuses for FIFA 22, NHL 22, Madden NFL 22, Battlefield 2042 and Apex Legends. To redeem their bonus items, EA Play subscribers simply have to login to the game prior to the expiration of the reward period.
The bonus feature for Apex Legends is the Apex RIG Helmet Weapon Charm, which can be claimed up to February 1. The item is a replica of the helmet that is part of The Dead Space series' RIG armor in the shape of a charm which can be placed on the weapon. Battlefield 2042 players will also be able redeem an accessory for their weapon this month, called"the Cap'em Weapon Charm. The item will be available for players to use until January 30.
The biggest EA sporting titles also have special offers this month. Madden NFL Players aged 22 are able to redeem for the Hephaestus Vanity Set, as pictured above. The set includes joggers, an visor, and a helmet. It's available to be redeemed until February 16. EA Play members will also be able to get an Ultimate Team Pack including new players.
In FIFA 22 participants will madden 22 mut coins a new FUT Heroes Tim Cahill Tifo Set which can be used until January 31. The players will also be able to claim their rewards till February 3 to redeem the WWWesh Studio Apparel, four thousand Volta Coins, and an XP boost to FIFA Season 3.